When you complete a paint job or some other project using acrylic paint, you might want to give your work a glossy finish. The glossy finish provides a nice look, as well as additional protection to the acrylics, but maybe you don’t have mod podge, gloss paint or acrylic lacquer paint, and you would like to avoid more specific materials such as polyurethane and enamel paints. So, can you lacquer over acrylic paint, and what is the right method to do that?
Lacquer and acrylic paint are regarded as different substances, although they have quite similar features. They consist of different films. However, that does not make them incompatible. If you put lacquer over acrylics, their blending provides a hybrid film and gives the acrylics a glossy finish. There is also the option of using acrylic lacquer which works as a spray paint, but maybe there is no need to buy another product.
In this article, I will talk about lacquering over acrylic paint and explain the method that will work the best. Please remember that we are talking about water based paint, so we cannot ensure you would get the same result with oil based paint. I will also provide some other ways to achieve a glossy finish over your acrylics and add more protection to them. After reading my article, you will be able to decide which technique is the most suitable for your needs, so you could use it to get the finish you desire.
Table of Contents
Can You Lacquer Over Acrylic Paint?
Lacquer and acrylic paint are not so different themselves. As a matter of fact, acrylics consist of substances that are basically lacquer, so it is not a surprise that you can use them together. For instance, acrylic paint is made of plastic suspended in a solvent, i.e., a kind of lacquer that does not turn yellow for a particular purpose.
However, there are different types of lacquers. Therefore, they are used in different situations and achieve a different points. For example, nitrocellulose is a type of lacquer made of cellulose and is suspended in a similar solvent. So, usually, lacquers are combinations of acrylics and lacquers.
Lacquering Solvent-based Acrylic
Since there are different acrylics, you need to know that they need different lacquers or act inappropriately on the surface, i.e., you will not get the glossy finish. So, when you use lacquer on acrylic paint based on solvent, these two substances combine a hybrid film. This is usually used on metal surfaces, such as cars that are painted with acrylic paint.
Lacquering Acrylic Latex Paint
Usually, acrylic latex is more soluble. Therefore, it cannot be mixed with many substances. However, when you lacquer over acrylic latex, the paint does not soften, but it stays as a good coat under the lacquer. Even though the lacquer is not as flexible as the acrylic latex, it still does not crack, meaning that you can safely lacquer that kind of surface.
The cracking can only happen if the painting is exposed to extreme conditions like humidity or high heat. However, nitrocellulose lacquer tends to yellow over time, so that you might see some changes in the paint over the years.
Lacquer Properties
Since I established that lacquer is used to achieve a glossy finish and protect a certain painted surface, now it is time to focus on its properties. As I mentioned, there are different lacquers, and you need to carefully choose which one you should use for particular acrylic paint. You should remember that not all lacquers will have the same effect on every type of acrylic paint. Therefore, it is important to learn the features.
Firstly, since lacquer’s primary role is to protect the wood, it is understandable that it uses strong solvents in its content. Lacquers tend to dry very fast, and it is recommended that you spray lacquer over acrylics as soon as the paint dries out. That is when both paint and lacquer give the best effect.
However, it would help if you remembered always to mix lacquer with lacquer thinner. You cannot apply the lacquer directly since it has a very thick texture that might damage the acrylic. Therefore, make sure that you use a 50/50 solution before lacquering.
Another thing you need to take into consideration is the fact that lacquers are quite corrosive to other types of paint substances. Therefore, the thinner is of essential importance since it lifts the other types of paints, especially acrylics.
Therefore, make sure that before you apply lacquer on acrylics, you use a thinner to apply the lacquer onto it effectively. Otherwise, the lacquer itself would damage the acrylic paint or any paint, as a matter of fact. The lacquer is compatible with acrylic paint as long as it is thinned down.
The Process Of Lacquering
Now that you have learned the properties of lacquer, you need to learn the process of lacquering. It is not enough to use a 50/50 solution of lacquer and thinner, but you also have to know that you need to prepare the surface, which usually is wood.
So, firstly, you will need to sand away the paint and make the surface smooth. Only a smooth layer of surface can be lacquered. Otherwise, the lacquer will get stuck just on parts, and you will end up with a rough and uneven surface, which is not the role of the lacquer at all.
Therefore, always make sure that the wood is sanded away and cleaned. However, if you want to lacquer on a previously lacquered surface, you might not need to sand away the surface since that has probably been done already. In this case, the choice is yours, i.e., you will estimate if an action like that is required.
So, these are the two main steps you need to remember before applying the lacquer on acrylic paint. Also, make sure that you do this process in a well-ventilated area or outside, if that is possible. You might use a mask and gloves since the substances exhausted from the lacquer are toxic, meaning that it is not a good idea to breathe them in.
Lastly, make sure that you apply one layer first and let it dry completely. If you want to lacquer the same area twice, do that once the surface is fully dry. Otherwise, it might mess up the first layer, which will result in ruining the paint in the first place.

Other Ways To Achieve A Good Finish Of Acrylics
If you want to protect your paint but not use lacquer, if lacquering is not appropriate for your project, you can still do other things that will get you the finish you desire. Varnish is one way to achieve that. If you use the appropriate varnish, you can get a matte, glossy, or satin finish.
This way, you will still protect your paint and make it look nice and fresh. What is more, the process is easier and quicker. So, you might opt for this option as well, if you find it more convenient.

Varnishing is a technique used after you finish your painting to protect your paint from yellowing, dust, and UV rays. What is more, it gives your artwork a kind of shine that contributes to the excellence of the painting. Also, it makes the colors look vibrant and more animated.
Unlike lacquer, which always gives a glossy finish, you can choose the finish you want to achieve with varnish. Therefore, you can choose to obtain a glossy, matte, or satin finish. You will need to use the appropriate varnish, and your artwork will be all set.
However, you will need to know the process because it will require a little bit of experimentation. To not make a mistake and save your time and money, it is better to learn the method and do it correctly, even on the first try. It is simple and quick, but still knowing the proper steps is of crucial importance.
In addition, you should know that if you want to take a photo of your painting, you should do it before you proceed to varnish. This is because the varnish will give a certain glare to your painting, making it impossible to be photographed. So, if you tend to take pictures of your artwork, make sure to do that before applying any protection layers to it.
The Process Of Varnishing
Firstly, you will want to make sure that your painting is completely dried out before making any step towards varnishing. It would help if you remembered that varnishing over wet paint might completely ruin your painting, and no changes could be made after that, so be patient. However, some artists do this because that is the point of their painting, i.e., they want to achieve the smudgy effect on their work.
Once you have established this, you can start your varnishing process. So, follow the steps I have provided below, so your varnishing would be successful.
Step One – Use A Separate Glass Jar Or Plastic Cup For Your Varnish
Always make sure that you keep the varnish in a separate plastic cup or glass jar. You would not like to mix paint and varnish by using the same container for both purposes. This might ruin the quality of the varnish.
Furthermore, use a separate brush for varnishing as well. The same thing refers to brushes as well. If a little bit of paint is stuck to the varnish, you might get smudges all over your painting, which will not be cool at all. So, always keep a different brush that will be used only for varnishing, and be sure that this brush will last for a long time since it will be used only for one purpose.
Lastly, make sure that you rinse both the brush and the varnish jar or cup with water to avoid any dust particles. Since the main purpose of the varnish is to protect your paint from dust, you do not want to apply it and stick it to your painting deliberately. Therefore, make sure that you do each time you prepare your tools for the varnishing process.
Step Two – Mix The Correct Ratio Of Varnish
It would help if you remembered that you could not apply the varnish directly from the can or tube. As I mentioned, you need to thin the substance down to be smoothly and correctly applied over the paint for lacquer. So, make sure that you mix the correct ratio of varnish and water, as is instructed on the varnish package.
Also, make sure that you always mix more varnish that you think you will need. It is better to have more than you will actually use because you can store the leftover varnish and use it again. Just provide good coverage for the varnish container, and it will be good to go for next time.
Step Three – Place The Painting In A Flat Position While Varnishing
Make sure that your painting is laying flat during the varnishing process to apply the varnish appropriately. You will avoid any dripping of the varnish all over the canvas or on the floor. Also, make sure that you leave it in that position until it is completely dried out.
Step Four – Check Your Painting From Different Angles
Once you finish applying the varnish on your painting, make sure that you check it from different angles. This will allow you to see whether you have missed out on some spots while varnishing. This is extremely important because you can make the changes while the varnish is still wet, not the other way around.
Once you have finished checking and correcting, you should leave the painting to dry out. Make sure that you follow the instructions on the varnish package to know how much time will be needed for drying.
As you could see, lacquering is possible on acrylic paints since they have similar substances in their content. Nonetheless, it is important to follow the proper lacquering steps to make the lacquered protective layer successful. However, sometimes lacquering will not be possible, but you will have other options, such as varnishing.

- Can I Lacquer Over Acrylic Paint?
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