Can You Paint Over Cracked Acrylic Paint?

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As a painter or art lover, you don’t want to see a newly finished piece developing cracks as it dries out. Granted, certain imperfections can make a piece look good in an unconventional way, but cracked acrylic paint is usually not one of them. 

You can paint over cracked acrylic paint under the right conditions. Fill in the cracks, blend in the fresh paint, clean, and let dry. Alternatively, you may also sand or scrape the cracks, or incorporate them as part of your work.

This article will attempt to answer the question “Can You Paint Over Cracked Acrylic Paint?” in more detail. Specifically, it’ll walk you through a step-by-step guide on fixing cracked acrylic paint, other ways to fix the issue, and how to prevent cracked acrylic paint in the first place.

How To Paint Over Cracked Acrylic Paint

When painting over cracked acrylic paint, it helps to be patient and precise. It also helps to use premium-quality paints and mediums, and to apply several thin coats rather than a single, thick one. 

Keep in mind that this issue won’t necessarily have a magical fix. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, the top layer of paint can also peel off. But don’t worry: There’s no shortage of approaches to remedy the issue and keep cracks from affecting the beauty and individuality of your piece. 

Now that you’re adequately prepared, you can start gathering your paints and brushes. Then, here’s what you need to do to paint over a cracked acrylic paint. 

Make Sure You’re Working Under the Right Conditions

Choose a working space that’s neither too humid, too hot, or too cold. A temperature that ranges between 65 and 75°F (18.3 and 23.9°C) is usually ideal. Also, ensure that the canvas, workspace, and tools are all clean — otherwise, you’ll end up having other problems to deal with!

Don’t forget to find the perfect color match for the cracked acrylic paint you want to fix. 

Fill In the Cracks

Now, it’s time to start filling in the gaps. Use a funnel to help you achieve a more precise result.

Carefully apply the paint over the cracks until you no longer see them. At this point, the work isn’t meant to look perfect, so don’t worry too much about the aesthetics yet. Remember to use a bit more paint than what seems necessary, as the material tends to shrink as it dries. 

Blend the Fresh Paint

After you fill in the cracks, the piece may suffer from a few harsh lines. That’s why you also need to blend in the fresh paint in a way that better suits the piece’s overall look. Use any tool or technique you feel most comfortable with. Some prefer blowtorches, while others simply use a clean cloth or their fingers. 

Clean and Let Dry

At this stage, you can start fixing mistakes. Wipe off any excess paint and let the piece dry to see if there’s any improvement looks-wise. If the cracks have disappeared, your work is done. If not, repeat the process as many times as it takes until you see the results you want. Anyway, you can always try your hand at the alternative approaches I’ll talk about next. 

Other Ways To Fix Cracked Acrylic Paint

Even though painting over cracked acrylic paint is one of the easiest ways to deal with the problem, it isn’t always the most effective. If you’re not satisfied with the results of the procedure I talked about earlier, I suggest trying out the following approaches. 

Sand Before Painting Over

Even though painting over a crack might rid a piece of color inconsistencies, the surface might still suffer from dents and general unevenness. When it comes to more severe cracks, you can gently sand off the surface of the dent before refilling it with paint. 

For example, you can use the Miady Store’s 120 to 3000 Assorted Grit Sandpaper (available on Not only is it suitable for paint work, but you can also use it to smooth out the rough edges from wood work, metal, and the like — so your investment won’t go to waste. 

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Scrape the Whole Painting 

This technique basically removes all existing paint from a canvas. Granted, doing this forces you to start from scratch, but at least you get another shot at crafting the piece you’re looking for. As you can see, this is a last-resort solution that should only be considered when the painting itself is unsalvageable. 

Incorporate the Cracks Into the Painting

I know this isn’t necessarily a “fixing” technique per se, but it can still help you save a painting that you’ve become attached to. Not all cracks are detrimental to a piece’s value; in fact, they can even add individuality and visual interestOpens in a new tab.. As long as the imperfections are elegant enough and strategically placed, you can seamlessly incorporate them into your painting. 

Chroma YadiOpens in a new tab.

Why Does Acrylic Paint Crack?

After going through the tedious process of trying to rid a painting of its cracks, you may wonder what causes it to happen. There’s a wide range of causes that might contribute to acrylic paint cracking. Most of them relate to environmental conditions. 

Acrylic paint cracks due to poor paint consistency, the canvas not being dry enough when you apply varnish, humid environment conditionsOpens in a new tab., or storing your painting in a poorly ventilated room. 

How To Prevent Acrylic Paint From Cracking

You can prevent acrylic paint from cracking by investing in high-quality paint. If you want to thin your paint, don’t add more than 30% waterOpens in a new tab. to it. You should also wait for the paint to fully dry before varnishing it, and maintain an ideal temperature between 65 and 75°F (18.3 and 23.9°C).

Remember to maintain environmental conditions conducive to maintaining the quality of acrylic paint. Ventilate your workspace, maintain low humidity levels, and invest in a dehumidifier if necessary.

Final Words

Even though seeing a newly finished work crack can be heart-breaking for any painter, the good news is there’s no shortage of techniques to help you achieve the flawless finish you’re looking for. Hopefully, by reading through this article, you’ll be able to prevent or fix cracks in your next acrylic painting in no time. 


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Caraca's self-taught artist based in the UK, Ines explores unconventional materials and sustainability.

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