Printmaking is a timeless art form dating back centuries, and its classification has been debated for as long as it has been around. Is it 2D or 3D art? The answer is both!
Printmaking is a unique form of art that combines aspects of both 2D and 3D art. With printmaking, an artist can create a two-dimensional image with a three-dimensional quality. This quality is achieved by using different techniques such as relief printing, 3-D printing, intaglio, and serigraphy.
The rest of this article will look at how each technique involves different processes to create the art, but all of them can capture the full range of depth and texture of the image. The result is a beautiful piece of two-dimensional or three-dimensional art. So, Is Printmaking a 2D or 3D Art?
Table of Contents
2D and 3D Art Explained: Where Does Printmaking Lie?
From the perspective of modern art, printmaking is a form of 2D and 3D art, which is often overlooked. It is a unique art form that allows artists to explore a range of materials, techniques, and processes to create one-of-a-kind prints.
With its unique combination of 2D and 3D elements, printmaking is a powerful form of expression that can explore various ideas and emotions.
Through printmaking, artists can create beautiful, intricate designs that can be used to decorate homes, offices, and other spaces. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, printmaking is a great way to express yourself and create something unique.
2D Art
2D art is a type of art that is limited to two-dimensional works. It includes painting, printmaking, photography, drawing, and digital art. Each of these forms of art has its own unique characteristics and techniques.
Painting is the most traditional form of 2D art, and it can be done on canvas, paper, or other surfaces with paints, inks, or other materials. Printmaking is another popular form of 2D art, and it involves creating multiple copies of an image by transferring it from one surface to another.

3D Art
3D art is a form of art that involves using three-dimensional shapes, objects, or materials to create a piece of art. Popular types of 3D art include sculptures and other artwork with depth and a unique aesthetic.
3D art can be created in many different ways, such as by using a 3D printer or by hand using a variety of materials. 3D art can also be created digitally using computer-aided design (CAD) software.
Examples of 3D art also include model making and even fashion. 3D art has become increasingly popular over the years and is now becoming mainstream.
Is Printmaking 2D or 3D?
2D and 3D art can be a confusing world to navigate. But printmaking is an art form that lies somewhere in between these two categories. It is considered a 2D art form but can use 3D techniques to create its images.
Printmaking is both 2D and 3D in its own way.
Unlike other 2D art forms, such as drawing and painting, printmaking involves using various techniques and tools to create an image. These techniques and tools include carving, inking, painting, pressing, and more. The result is an image that is unique and can be reproduced multiple times with slight variations.
But because the printmaker also considers how the printed image will interact with the three-dimensional space in which it is placed, it makes it both a 2D and 3D art form.
So where does printmaking fit into the world of 2D and 3D art? It is a unique form, one that combines elements of both 2D and 3D to create unique and captivating works of art.
There are various ways in which artists may choose to create the ‘mold’ or the ‘stereotype’ that they used to create their prints.
Traditional Japanese printmakers of the Edo period used woodblocks to make their famous ukiyo-e prints. Printmakers may also use traditional techniques like etching, engraving, and lithography, among others, to create their 3D base. Then, they can apply ink to the surface of their base and use it to make 2D prints.
A lot of modern printmakers still use traditional techniques. Though woodblocks have gone out of style, linocuts are still incredibly popular.
So what, then, is the difference between printmaking and prints of painting?
Artists who define themselves as printmakers conceive the final product as a print, not as a painting that is then reproduced for mass distribution.

3D Printing is Not Printmaking
While 3D printing has become increasingly popular in recent years, it is still not considered an art form by some. It involves using a 3D printer to layer thin layers of plastic, metal, or other materials to create a 3D object.
However, this process has been deemed to lack the creativity seen in traditional art forms.
They say that for something to be considered an art form, it needs to evoke emotion and contain a certain level of artistic expression. 3D printmaking, according to some, does not have this. It is considered a technical process of creating a 3D object, which lacks the creative elements of art.
Additionally, some argue that 3D printing is not a form of art due to its lack of originality. Many 3D prints are copies of existing objects, which could be argued not to be art.
However, the technique of 3D printing can be easily utilized to create art. Printmakers may choose to make their ‘stereo’ or the mold which is then brushed with ink and used to make the monotypes or prints.

Final Words
Printmaking is a creative and unique way of producing art. It is often overlooked as a traditional art form, but it is a powerful art medium that has been used for centuries.
It has evolved over time and is a great way to create art with various materials. There are many different types of printmaking, from traditional etching and woodcuts to modern digital printing.
Printmaking is a form of art with both 2D and 3D elements, and it can be used to create both two-dimensional and three-dimensional art as well as art with the qualities of both.