Tempera, or egg tempera paint, has been in use for many years, and it was used by Italian artists in the 14th century and later practiced by Flemish painting in the 15th century. Tempera is not easy to use because it requires a lot of craftsmanship and precision. So, when exactly did oil painting replace tempera paint?
Oil painting replaced tempera paint during the early 16th century, but some artists still used tempera. Tempera was very popular among many American artists between the 1930s and 1950s, most of whom independently rediscovered the method. By then, tempera paint was used on gessoed wood panels.
Traditionally, tempera paint was made by mixing pigments with egg yolk and water. Modern tempera consists of pigments mixed with gum, casein, or glue. The rise of oil paint meant that few people were using tempera which made oil painting very famous.
Oil painting started in northern Europe during the 15th century. Many artists loved this medium because of its textural variety, stability, and slow drying nature. Because of the nature of oil paint, it became even more popular during the 16th century.
The main reason why many people stopped using tempera paints and started using oil paints is that it dries rapidly. It is time-consuming and requires you to apply thin layers over time. Tempera paintings don’t have the deep color saturation found in oil paints. When Did Oil Painting Replace Tempera Paint? Keep reading to learn more about this.

Table of Contents
- 1 What is Tempera Painting?
- 2 Is Tempera Painting Durable?
- 3 What Surfaces Work Well with Tempera Paints?
- 4 Can Children Use Tempera Paint?
- 5 How Can I Store Tempera Paint?
- 6 Best Brushes to Use for Tempera Paint
- 7 Tempera Paint Warning
- 8 How to Start Oil Painting
- 9 How Can I Remove Oil Paint from Canvas?
- 10 Things You Need to Know About Tempera Paint
- 11 Can Tempera Paint Be Used on Rocks?
- 12 Sources
What is Tempera Painting?
Tempera painting was the initial painting technique that superseded encaustic painting. It was soon to be replaced by oil painting which is now very common. The word tempera is a Latin word that means “mix in portion.” Tempera involves mixing egg yolks, water, and pigments.
Tempera paint is more transparent and can hold fewer pigments compared to oil paints. This feature enables light to penetrate through the paint, exposing the white surface underneath. Another advantage is that it can resist light, and its colors do not change with age.
Is Tempera Painting Durable?
Tempera painting has been referred to as poster paint for many years, but the fact is that it contains a mixture of pigments and a binding agent. Tempera paints have longevity issues when applied on surfaces such as canvas and wood. Thick layers of tempera paint will encourage cracking.
Applying tempera on canvas has its disadvantages because the canvas is flexible. If you use it on surfaces like wood and metal, you need to ensure that the surface is well cleaned. Tempera paints are water-soluble, which means you can have serious problems if you want to repaint.

What Surfaces Work Well with Tempera Paints?
Tempera paint is nowadays being used in schools to teach children how to paint. The paint adheres to many surfaces such as wood, canvas, paper, fabric, poster boards, paper Mache, and temporarily on glass. If you want to extend the drying time of the paint, you can mix it with water.
Once tempera oil paint is dry, it cannot be reconstituted, so always be careful when using it. The color theory rule still applies to tempera paint. You should never mix complementary colors. Mixing green and red will give you a muddy color.
When using tempera, the layers of paint will only take a few minutes before they dry, but under layers can take up to months to dry. You should always add more water if you want to get a thin glaze. Each layer of tempera paint will have to wait for five minutes before applying the next color.
Can Children Use Tempera Paint?
Tempera paint is one of the safest and inexpensive mediums that children can work with. Children can use tempera paint to finger paint or even use a brush. Other uses of tempera paint include printmaking, plaster sculptures, posters, and many other craft projects.
Tempera paints are very versatile because they can be mixed with other elements such as sand, salt, and flour. When mixed well, tempera paint can create a thick textured paint. You can also add water and glue if you want tempera paint to look like acrylic paint.
How Can I Store Tempera Paint?
Tempera paint can last for a long time, but it also dries quickly, which means it can eventually spoil if not stored properly. To prevent any spoilage, you can store tempera in plastic tubes that have airtight lids. When using tempera paint, you can use a muffin or a reusable plastic cup to act as a palette.
Best Brushes to Use for Tempera Paint
Tempera brushes come in different shapes, sizes, and fibers, which means you can use them for any art and craft application. A good set of tempera brushes must include foam brushes and a perfect assortment of synthetic fiber and natural brushes.
Brushes with soft synthetic bristles are the best ones to use when dealing with tempera paint. Other people prefer to use sponges and fingers, which will still deliver excellent results. If you are using thick paint, a palette knife will be the best choice.
Tempera Paint Warning
Tempera paint dries quickly, which means you need to wash your brushes thoroughly after using them. Brushes are made with soft bristles that need to be washed immediately after painting, or else they will dry. Make sure to use soap and warm water when washing your brushes.

How to Start Oil Painting
Oil paint has been in existence for many years, and that is so because of its ability to be applied to a variety of painting surfaces. The medium is durable and comes in different vibrant colors. Many new artists, however, still find it difficult to use oil paint because of various reasons.
If you have never used oil paint, you will get confused on which technique to use, the painting material to start with, the drying time, and which solvent to use. Below are just some of the steps you can use when using oil paint without any complications.
Step One
Start by placing the primed canvas on the easel and secure it firmly using the easel’s top clamps. Make sure to adjust the easel’s height and angle so that you can work comfortably when seated or standing. Always ensure that you know your preferences and subject matter.
Step Two
The next step requires you to arrange the oil colors on your palette in small quantities. Leave enough room at the center of the palette for mixing purposes. Make sure to fill the palette cup with odorless mineral spirit before you start painting.
Step Three
Select the color you want to start with, then mix it with the odorless mineral spirit using a palette knife. The color you select needs to be neutral or dark. The best colors to start with can either be ultramarine blue or burnt umber.
Use a round-tipped bristle brush to pick up the diluted paint and make sure that the paint is thin and workable. If you have any errors in your sketch, you can wipe it using a rag or a paper towel. When completing the sketch, you should use the flat-tipped bristle brush.
Step Four
Refill your palette cup with the odorless mineral spirit and an equal amount of linseed oil. This mixture will act as your medium during the next stages of your painting process. Start by mixing small amounts of color and medium using the palette knife.
Using broad strokes, start applying the mixed paint on the canvas as you concentrate on the tone and other major values. Continue the process until the whole canvas is covered with color.
Step Five
If you have any paint left on the palette, make sure to cover it with plastic wrap to prevent paint from drying out. Leave the canvas surface to dry before proceeding to the next painting session. Drying time will depend on the colors used, and this can take days or weeks.
Step Six
Start by mixing fresh painting medium by adding less odorless mineral spirits and more linseed oil. Return to the painting and make sure that you refine the shadows, colors, and values. Use soft sable brushes when applying thin glazes of paint and fine details.
Continue the painting process as you allow each layer to dry before returning to paint the canvas completely. For every session that you start, make sure to use more linseed and less odorless mineral spirit.
Step Seven
Once you are done painting, you should leave the paint completely dry before mounting it on the wall. Depending on the number of layers used on the paint, your oil painting can take up to six months before drying completely.
If you are a beginner, I suggest that you purchase a well-primed canvas from your preferred art store. Artists who have been painting for some time normally prefer to prime their canvas. You can also start painting on a board or wood panels.
How Can I Remove Oil Paint from Canvas?
When working with oil painting, it is elementary for you to make mistakes. Some mistakes can occur when you squeeze a tube of paint or your child decides to help you with the art piece. You can still clear the mistakes using the following tips.
Tip One
Check if the oil paint is still wet. This should be simple because many oil paints take a few days before they dry. You will need to place your painting on a flat surface. Using your palette knife, gently remove the wet oil paint away from the canvas. Be careful not to tear the canvas fabric.
Tip Two
Get a piece of rag and dip it in turpentine, then gently rub the area where the mistake occurred. Clean away any excess oil paint that was left behind after scraping. When the area is clean, you can repaint your canvas. Always use turpentine in a well-ventilated room.
Things You Need to Know About Tempera Paint
Tempera paint is washable, and that is why it is good for young students. It does not stain clothes the same way other paints do. You can easily wash off tempera paint from your hands and any other surface with ease, making for a smooth clean-up.
Tempera paint is non-toxic, which means you don’t have to worry when your child is using it. Unlike other mediums like oil paint which requires a lot of caution, tempera paint does not affect your skin. You will not develop complications after using tempera paint.
If you store tempera paint for too long, it will develop a rotten smell. This problem can be avoided by using less amount of water during storage. You should also avoid purchasing large quantities of tempera paint if you don’t need to.
Tempera paints will never ruin your brushes, and that is why you need to wash them immediately after use. If you leave your brushes unwashed for long, the paint will dry up on the bristles. Soak your brushes with warm water if they dry, then wash off the paint using soap and water.
Apart from the different brands that tempera paint comes in, you can also get them in a wide variety of colors. There are many tempera paint colors, including glossy, matte, pearl, fluorescent, and metallic.
Tempera comes in different forms, from solid to liquid. Solid tempera is called tempera cake, and liquid tempera comes in bottles that can easily be squeezed for easy application. Tempera cakes are easy to use and can last for many years.
Can Tempera Paint Be Used on Rocks?
It all depends on what you want to achieve, and yes, tempera can be used on rocks. But if you want to paint your outdoor rocks with tempera paint, you will need to use a spray sealer over the paint. This will prevent the paint from rubbing off.
Tempera paint can easily be washed off when mixed with water, and that is why you need to seal it with a spray sealer. I always recommend using at least two coats of acrylic spray sealer for better results.