Press Release: Acquires

Press Release: Acquires Jindřich Styrsky 1899-1942. Prague et Paris. From my Diary. De mon journal. 1933. Prague Narodni galerie Veletrzni Palac was a website dedicated to art. The domain name is French for “Art of
Nothing”, but more colorful as a pun in the Spanish translation, “Arte, de nada” (Art, you’re welcome). It was recently acquired by, which is a platform dedicated to artists and how they can make the most out of their art supplies.

What Did Do? was an art website that changed hands several times over the past 15 years.
The website was active from 2007 to 2019, during which period it acted as the official domain for a Parisian gallery and a USA-based blogger.

The website was originally created to promote the work of artists throughout France. It was
the official online address for the Galerie l’Art de Rien (Gallery of the Art of Nothing).

The Parisian gallery was located on rue d’Orsel, which is a street in a quiet neighborhood
with a variety of small coffee shops and cafés. The small gallery featured original artwork,
which was also promoted on the website.

The domain was eventually purchased by a blogger in Vermont, USA. The
blogger created original posts on topics related to art, video games, and fashion.

The domain was listed for sale in 2021 and was recently acquired by

What Does Do?

Sustaintheart.comOpens in a new tab. is a platform built to help you make the most out of your art supplies. You
can learn to save money, use different materials, and reduce waste. Sustainability is at the
core of the website’s message.

Visitors can explore a variety of original blog posts covering a wide range of topics. The name
“sustain the art” implies the importance of supporting sustainable art.

Using art materials in a smarter, more sustainable way is more cost-effective and better for the environment.
Some of the main categories on the website include

You can explore the best tips for using more sustainable art practices when
using different mediums.

Whether you prefer to paint with acrylics or oil, you can learn how to conserve paint and
preserve your paintings for longer. The website contains dozens of helpful posts. The team
at upload new content frequently.

The original articles on are aimed at beginners and professionals. No
matter your level of experience, you can find useful information and tips for getting more
out of your art supplies and materials. You can learn to spend less so that you can create

The website was launched by Ines, who eventually brought on other artists, creators, and
designers to help expand Ines is a UK-based artist and is originally from

She produces thought-provoking art in a variety of mediums, including watercolor
and embroidery. She became interested in sustainable art practices and now shares her
knowledge with other artists in hopes of inspiring change.

Visitors can also support the website by purchasing original products through the Etsy
platform. The owner of sells original designs printed on tote bags, tea
towels, cards, and more. is one of several domains acquired by Sustain the Art is a
growing platform that continues to reach artists around the globe. To learn more, visit
Sustaintheart.comOpens in a new tab..

Sustain The Art also acquired:

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Caraca's self-taught artist based in the UK, Ines explores unconventional materials and sustainability.

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